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Brand: Yuansheng Baiwei
Product Name: Boletus
Product specifications: AAAA;
Packing specification: 2 kg/carton;
Packing material: carton
Product introduction:

Brand: Yuansheng Baiwei

Product Name: Boletus

Product specifications: AAAA;

Packing specification: 2 kg/carton;

Packing material: carton

Product introduction: Boletus is a collective term for fungi such as Boleteaceae and Boleteaceae. They are wild and edible mushrooms. Most of them are edible except for a few species that are poisonous or bitter and inedible. There are mainly white, yellow and black boletus. The fungus has a large body, thick meat, strong stalk, sweet and delicious taste, and rich nutrition. It is a world-renowned edible fungus. Western European countries also have the habit of consuming white boletus extensively. Except for fresh dishes, most of them are sliced and dried and processed into various small packages, which are used to prepare soup or make soy sauce extract, and some are made into salted products for consumption. . The cap is flat hemispherical, smooth, non-sticky, light nude color, white flesh, with sauce flavor, and can be used as medicine. The thigh mushroom is rich in nutrition and delicious in taste. It is one of the most delicious wild edible mushrooms. The fungus has a large body, thick meat, strong stalk, sweet and delicious taste, and rich nutrition. It is a world-renowned edible fungus.

Method Two: 1. Wash the yellow boletus and cut into slices; 2. Peel the garlic, wash and cut into small pieces, remove the stems and seeds of the dried chili and cut into long pieces; 3. Put the pot on the fire, add peanut oil and cook until 30% hot, then fry the garlic slices and dried chili sections in the pot for a while; 4. Stir-fry the yellow boletus, garlic and chili in the hot oil, add salt and monosodium glutamate to the pot. Taste: Fresh fragrance and moisturizing, slightly spicy, hemp, and mellow scent of bacteria. Method three: 1. Wash the porcini mushrooms and cut them into slices, boil water in a pot, put the sliced porcini mushrooms in and cook; 2. Mince pork, add starch, beat an egg in it; 3. Add a little salt, stir clockwise, and use a small spoon to scoop a small mass of minced meat; 4. Put it in a pot boiled with porcini mushrooms; 5. Wait until all the meatballs have surfaced and it's almost done, seasoning in the soup. Precautions Rich in nutrition, clearing away heat and detoxification, so there is nothing to stop eating. But edible wild mushrooms must be fried and cooked thoroughly. If you find symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dizziness, instability, hallucinations, etc. due to edible wild mushrooms, go to a nearby hospital for gastric lavage and treat it at the same time. Take medication to avoid delaying the illness; stop eating suspicious food immediately and save it for inspection; if you are far away from the hospital, drink a lot of warm water or light salt water in time, and then use your fingers, chicken feathers, etc. to stimulate your throat repeatedly to induce vomiting and wash The stomach will be sent to a qualified hospital for treatment in time.
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